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Search Conditions:  Product: http4s-server

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oval:com.altx-soft.nix:def:2644051Vulnerability in http4s-server_2.12 before 0.18.26 and before 0.20.20 and before 0.21.2, http4s-server before 0.21.2 and before 0.20.20 and before 0.18.26 (CVE-2020-5280)vulnerability
oval:com.altx-soft.nix:def:2648491Vulnerability in http4s-server before 0.21.27 and before 0.22.3 and before 0.23.2, http4s-server_2.12 before 0.21.27 and before 0.22.3 and before 0.23.2 (CVE-2021-39185)vulnerability
oval:com.altx-soft.nix:def:2648771Vulnerability in http4s-server up to 0.21.28 and up to 0.22.4 and up to 0.23.3, http4s-client up to 0.21.28 and up to 0.22.4 and up to 0.23.3 (CVE-2021-41084)vulnerability
oval:ru.altx-soft.nix:def:2644051Уязвимость в http4s-server_2.12 до 0.18.26 и до 0.20.20 и до 0.21.2, http4s-server до 0.21.2 и до 0.20.20 и до 0.18.26 (CVE-2020-5280)vulnerability
oval:ru.altx-soft.nix:def:2648491Уязвимость в http4s-server до 0.21.27 и до 0.22.3 и до 0.23.2, http4s-server_2.12 до 0.21.27 и до 0.22.3 и до 0.23.2 (CVE-2021-39185)vulnerability
oval:ru.altx-soft.nix:def:2648771Уязвимость в http4s-server до 0.21.28 и до 0.22.4 и до 0.23.3, http4s-client до 0.21.28 и до 0.22.4 и до 0.23.3 (CVE-2021-41084)vulnerability